Connecting chefs and kitchens across the country with the freshest seafood

We specialize in the harvest, logistics and import of premium fresh seafood.
Here's the reel: every good company has its thing, and ours is serving up premium fresh seafood across Canada. You might ask, how do you become a specialist in something as vast as the ocean’s bounty? For us, having access to the best seafood available is the obvious part, but the secret is in the logistics. We've got connections deeper than the ocean floor itself, especially in New Zealand and Hawaii; and in an increasingly automated world, we still like to keep it old school and personal.
Beyond maintaining strong relationships with our suppliers and fishermen, we're also about keeping our oceans happy for generations to come through sustainable practices. Take New Zealand's Fish Quota Management System (QMS), for example. It's like the VIP pass to keep our fishy friends thriving. It’s principles like these that shape us as your go-to seafood supplier.
The Goods